Work advice

  1. 3. best way to dress in winter
  2. 5. vehicle
  3. 7. dress for the ___
  4. 10. leave extra ___
  5. 12. winter vehicle prep
  6. 13. type of driver for busing
  7. 15. riders
  8. 16. Bus comes to a complete ___
  9. 17. online __ only
  1. 1. driver's helper
  2. 2. operator
  3. 4. check daily
  4. 5. type of ice
  5. 6. written down after fueling
  6. 7. go round and round
  7. 8. overhhead bus light
  8. 9. keep fuel tank __ Full
  9. 11. expect the ___
  10. 12. meets JKs & SKs
  11. 14. most important clothing choice