Work and Energy

  1. 8. usually developed by a machine or engine placed either within or external body
  2. 9. he developed the steam engine
  3. 10. the difference between the final and initial position of a point
  4. 13. SI unit of power
  5. 16. other term for initial velocity
  6. 18. is the product of force and displacement.
  7. 19. results from equal and opposite forces acting on two different points of a rigid body
  8. 20. used as measuring unit of work
  1. 1. is the component, perpendicular to the surface of the contact force exerted on an object by, the surface of a floor or wall, preventing the object from penetrating the surface.
  2. 2. is the energy of motion
  3. 3. is also called joules
  4. 4. SI unit of time.
  5. 5. is the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy.
  6. 6. defined as the ratio of the output if useful power produced by the machine to the input power supplied to the machine.
  7. 7. is a property of a physical body which determines the body's resistance to being accelerated by a force and the strength of its mutual gravitational attraction with other bodies
  8. 11. is energy which results from position or configuration
  9. 12. ability to do work.
  10. 14. English unit of power
  11. 15. is the force resisting the relative motion of solid surfaces, fluid layers, and material elements sliding against each other
  12. 17. is defined as the amount of work or the capacity of the machine to perform per unit time