Work and Simple Machines

  1. 2. a machine made up of more than one simple machine
  2. 3. machines make work ____________
  3. 6. a machine that does work with only one movement
  4. 8. unit for work
  5. 9. a result of a force moving an object a distance
  6. 10. consist of two inclined planes; used to split an object
  7. 11. consists of a rope wrapped around a grooved wheel
  1. 1. an inclined plane wrapped around a lever
  2. 4. another word for inclined plane
  3. 5. the fixed point on a lever
  4. 7. a simple machine that consists of a bar that pivots at a fixed point
  5. 9. _______ and axle; two different sized wheels that are attached and turn as one