Work Based Materials

  1. 4. used on steel to protect it from rusting
  2. 5. is used to explain multiple sizes of nails whilst nail sizes go up
  3. 7. to look along a board to check if it is straight or has any clear flaws
  4. 8. the grain shown on the thinner section of the board
  5. 10. used to protect steel from rust when it is disclosed to humidity
  6. 11. the thinner section of a board
  7. 13. a set of three letters that are used for a panel.
  8. 14. this specific pattern will determine the strength of wood
  9. 16. something that is used over fasteners to cause improvements
  10. 19. the wider section of a board
  11. 21. a fissure that goes through the whole board
  1. 1. a grading system based that is similar to elementary students grading just with wood instead
  2. 2. a driver type shaped like something you see in the sky at night
  3. 3. the grain which can be seen from the side of the lumber
  4. 6. the wider part of something that is associated with screwdrivers and hammers
  5. 9. this is pattern seen on the wider section of the board
  6. 12. a known accurate dimension of lumber that is usually is slightly bigger than the exact dimensions
  7. 15. a fissure that does not go through the whole board
  8. 17. a screwdriver that can screw nails that are shaped like Xs
  9. 18. can be used as a term for something that happens in hair as well in wood
  10. 20. a line that is not even actually there