Work book 001

  1. 3. the right of every individual to equal treatment and opportunities?
  2. 5. one principle of the social services wellbeing act?
  3. 6. providing a service in Welsh without someone having to ask for it?
  4. 8. a barrier to conversation?
  5. 10. a process which starts with the identification of potential benefit or harm?
  6. 11. asking permission?
  7. 14. one on the senses principles?
  8. 17. being involved in their care?
  9. 18. the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different?
  1. 1. this puts the individual at the centre?
  2. 2. cruelty, violence, or demeaning or invasive behaviour?
  3. 4. these speak on the individuals behalf?
  4. 7. you do this to make an individual feel valued?
  5. 9. the ability to have a conversation?
  6. 12. a term for protecting the health, well-being and human rights of individuals?
  7. 13. the existence of variations of different characteristics in a group of people?
  8. 15. you do this by working with your colleagues?
  9. 16. respected and valued, allowing them to reach full potential?