Work Dec

  1. 1. won most scary pumpkin.
  2. 4. 40% of body heat loss is through?
  3. 8. A liquid with a flash point below 100*F
  4. 10. How are CSR's evaluated
  5. 12. plan your departure upon___
  6. 13. Reddened skin develops grey\white patches, numbness, feels firm or hard
  7. 15. Employees should shelter in ___ during an earthquake
  8. 17. Proper tire ____ are instrumental for keeping good traction
  9. 18. Vehicle PM's are done every __-__ days?
  1. 2. Herold Lemay was born in?
  2. 3. had a 100 for October tooty score.
  3. 5. never be the first one into ___
  4. 6. ____ protection will be provided if exposed to 85dB or greater
  5. 7. Drain your air tanks
  6. 8. the speed limit in the PCR yard is ___ MPH.
  7. 9. PPE stands for Personal __ Equipment
  8. 11. Ryan G favorite type of meal
  9. 14. When in doubt when backing
  10. 16. If a spill is encountered One of the 3 C's