- 2. даатгал An arrangement in which you pay money to a company and they pay you if something bad happens.
- 8. Үйлдвэрлэлийн The production of goods using labor, machines, tools, and chemical or biological processing.
- 10. Ягаахан, сайхан, өөдрөг харагдах Optimistic or hopeful.
- 11. Хүлээх, найдах, тооцоолох To think or believe something will happen or someone will arrive.
- 12. Гаднаас эх сурвалж авах Obtaining goods or services from an outside or foreign supplier.
- 14. уриа, моод үг A word or phrase that expresses the beliefs or intentions of a group
- 17. Туйлшрал Divide into two sharply contrasting groups or sets of opinions or beliefs.
- 19. давуу тал, ашиг An advantage or profit gained from something
- 20. хөтлөх, хүргэх To be in charge or command of.
- 21. Тодорхойлолт, бие хүн, ялгах шинж тэмдэг The fact of being who or what a person or thing is.
- 22. Гомдлох To express annoyance or unhappiness about something.
- 23. Хуучинсаг үзэл, уламжлалт үзэл Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change.
- 25. Ер бусын, сонин Not normal or typical.
- 26. дутуу, байхгүй, -гүй, ховор жимэр байдал The state of being without or not having enough of something.
- 27. Боломжтой Able to be done within the power or capacity of someone or something.
- 31. Багтаах, хамруулах,To make someone or something part of a group or collection.
- 33. Харьцуулах To examine the similarities and differences between two or more things.
- 34. нөхцөл байдал The circumstances affecting the way people live or work
- 35. хөдөө аж ахуй The science or practice of farming.
- 36. нөлөө The action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another.
- 37. зохицуулалт Official rules or laws.
- 38. ажилгүйдэл The state of not having paid work.
- 39. ажилтай Having a paid job.
- 1. хянуур, болгоомжтой Being careful to avoid potential problems.
- 3. Аргадах, тайтгарал A state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint.
- 4. үйлдвэр, цех A building or set of buildings where large quantities of goods are made using machines.
- 5. эвлэл, холбоо Organizations that protect workers' rights.
- 6. хөлс, цалин A fixed regular payment earned for work or services.
- 7. хөдөлмөр Work, especially physical work.
- 9. Холбогдсон, хамрагдсан, оролцсон Being part of something or connected to something.
- 13. Амьд үлдэх, тэсэх, давж гарах To continue to live or exist, especially in difficult conditions.
- 15. Огцом In a way that is sudden and extreme.
- 16. тогтсон, зогсоо, зогсонги Showing no activity or growth.
- 18. Оронд, харин,To a certain extent; somewhat.
- 24. үл хамаарах зүйл A person or thing that is excluded from a general statement or does not follow a rule.
- 28. өөдрөг үзэл Hopefulness and confidence about the future.
- 29. Ядуурал The state of having little or no money and few or no material possessions.
- 30. тэтгэвэр A regular payment made during a person’s retirement.
- 32. Холбогдох To participate or become involved in.