Work instruction

  1. 2. Standard Operating Procedure (abbreviation)
  2. 3. The reason or context for the work instruction
  3. 5. Written steps or rules that describe what has to be done, by whom, when, how and where (two words)
  4. 7. A way of tracking work instruction to ensure the most up-to-date document is being used
  5. 8. One purpose for data records and forms referred to in a work instruction
  6. 9. What steps to take in the event of a deviation
  7. 11. Another purpose for data records and forms referred to in a work instruction
  1. 1. The person who oks the work instruction
  2. 4. The steps for a task or activity that are at the core of work instruction
  3. 5. Tell where or when or how often a task is to be done (two words)
  4. 6. The person who wrote the work instruction
  5. 10. Items such as flow diagrams, checklists, schematics, tables, etc. that help amplify the procedure in a work instruction