Work Instructions

  1. 2. This screen provides a snap shot of current and former household members including their name or SSN
  2. 7. Comments entered to clear task in TLM
  3. 9. Click this LUW to view AR information
  4. 10. These are costs for goods or services the household must pay for and may be allowed as deductions for specific programs.
  1. 1. Interview mode that you must select on TIERS
  2. 3. This is money received by the household.
  3. 4. This refers to the non-custodial parent not included on the case being processed for a child in the household.
  4. 5. You must do this when all changes have been addressed
  5. 6. You must do this when the case mode is in Complete Action mode
  6. 8. You must do this when there is no case # or client name in EWMS