Work It!

  1. 2. knowledge or skills learned from doing things
  2. 4. lose your job
  3. 6. learing new things at work
  4. 7. people get together to discuss important things
  5. 9. somebody who is addicted to work
  6. 11. when a job makes you worry
  7. 12. get a raise in pay and responsibility
  8. 15. hard working and trustworthy
  9. 16. that day when you get your salary
  1. 1. the latest time or date something must be done by
  2. 3. special meeting with a possible boss or manager
  3. 5. a document that lists your school, other jobs, and skills
  4. 8. get accepted to start working
  5. 10. thing or duty or task you must do
  6. 13. a special speech, sometimes with images projected on a screen, usually with a handout
  7. 14. money you get for workings