Work Motivation Concepts and Theories

  1. 2. _______ theory that is based on the perceived degree of relationship between how much effort a person expends and the performance that results from that effort
  2. 7. _______ theory based on the fulfillment of basic needs to experience intrinsic motivation
  3. 8. You are having trouble getting started on your homework, you must be lacking this
  4. 10. ______ theory that suggests that individuals will experience intense level of enjoyment, concentration, and lack of self awareness when actively engaged in activities that have clear goals, unambiguous feedback, and a match between one's skills and the challenge of the task.
  5. 12. ______ theory presumes motivation is genetically predisposed
  6. 13. _______ theory is based on setting of goals and the receipt of accurate feedback that is monitored to enhance the likelihood of goal attainment
  1. 1. _______ theory is based on directing one's effort toward the attainment of specific goals that have been set
  2. 3. IQ can be a determinant of behavior because it is an example of
  3. 4. Determining if typing 60 words per minute is adequate for a certain employment position is an example of
  4. 5. Typing 60 words per minute is an example of
  5. 6. Having a deadline for a project is an example of this
  6. 9. ________ theory is based on the comparison of one's inputs to outcomes with those of another person to determine if a situation is fair.
  7. 11. _______ theory based on the presence of dimensions or characteristics of jobs that foster the expenditure of effort