Work Physiology

  1. 1. Duration is dependent on energy exertion and exertion duration
  2. 6. Phase of energy production supplying ATP at a very fast rate
  3. 7. Contraction of a sarcomere increases ___ of actin and myosin
  4. 9. Contractile unit of myofibril
  5. 12. Delivers signal to muscle fiber
  6. 13. Contraction produced when velocity = 0
  7. 15. Max heart rate depends on this
  8. 16. Motor neuron + skeletal muscle fiber
  1. 2. Work output ÷ Energy uptake
  2. 3. NIOSH recommended energy consumption
  3. 4. Predictive equations use information about the task and this to predict energy consumption
  4. 5. Energy consumption based on Garg’s metabolic equations depend on this measurement
  5. 8. Determines maximal possible muscle force
  6. 10. Motion producing maximal force of a muscle
  7. 11. Rating of perceived exertion
  8. 14. Filament strands of two types of molecules with heads