Work, Power, and Energy

  1. 5. the force on an object exerted on an object
  2. 7. energy of motion
  3. 9. the energy of light and other forms of radiation
  4. 10. the rate at which work is done
  5. 12. Heat energy
  6. 14. ratio of the output force
  1. 1. energy caused by the movement of electrons
  2. 2. Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom
  3. 3. shared energy that results from the positon or shape of an object
  4. 4. the force exerted on a machine
  5. 6. kinetic or potential energy associated with the motion of position of an object
  6. 8. energy stored in chemical bonds
  7. 11. force x distance
  8. 13. the percentage of the input work that is converted to output work