Work Protection - Work Protection - Work Protection

  1. 1. Clear is used to remove the guaranteed condition after a Clearance Order has been Released and Cleared by all Clearance Holder Supervisors.
  2. 3. is the operation of an Isolation Point/De‑energization Point or the introduction of energy into the isolated equipment/Safe Work Area
  3. 6. is to certify that a specific activity may proceed.
  4. 8. Tag is a tag used to identify the device(s) controlled by an Approved Work Protection Procedure.
  5. 10. is the person responsible for coordinating the actions of those who are preparing, approving, modifying, completing and verifying a Work Protection.
  6. 11. is an engineered mechanical mechanism temporarily attached to a device to maintain the position or integrity of an isolation point.
  7. 12. Tag is a tag used for equipment protection only. Under no circumstances may a Caution Tag be used in place of Work Protection Tag.
  8. 14. is used to establish a guarantee condition on one or more devices.
  9. 15. is the independent visual inspection of a Work Protection tagged device(s) by a second qualified person.
  10. 16. Practice (AP) is a trade skill or work procedure.
  11. 17. is the person who applies for a Clearance Order Work Protection
  12. 18. is a PassPort V10 function that allows binning or sorting of approved Clearance Requests.
  13. 22. is the placement of an individually keyed lock on an isolation point in accordance with Work Protection Procedures
  14. 23. is a qualified person who has independently prepared a Work Protection document, ensuring that its execution will provide the requested isolated condition.
  15. 24. is a tripartite appointed working committee responsible for reviewing all recommendations for changes to the Work Protection Code and Procedures. They do not have approval authority.
  16. 26. is the return of control of the equipment to operations by each Work Group.
  1. 2. is to give approval to act.
  2. 3. Lift is used to allow the manipulation of device(s) controlled under a Clearance Order.
  3. 4. is a tripartite committee responsible for approving Work Protection Procedures and recommending Work Protection Code rule changes for approval by the Joint Health and Safety Policy Committee.
  4. 5. is a specifically identified area for work where all known hazards have been eliminated or are controlled.
  5. 7. Processing is a PassPort V10 function that allows the electronic linking of work order tasks to the specific isolation device(s) required for safely executing that particular work.
  6. 9. Request (CR) is an electronic PassPort V10 document used to apply for a Clearance Order.
  7. 13. is when all workers currently working under a Clearance Order are contacted by their Clearance Holder and told to stop all work under the Clearance Order and leave the safe work area.
  8. 19. Hang Checklist is when a Clearance Order uses more than one Checklist to provide the isolation boundary.
  9. 20. is the person recorded on the Clearance Order representing a work group and has attained working rights.
  10. 21. is the relinquishing of Guaranteed Conditions by a Clearance Holder Supervisor or Clearance Holder of a Clearance Order or Supporting Guarantee.
  11. 23. Clear is used to remove the guaranteed condition from one or more devices.
  12. 25. is a reporting system used to document a failure to follow Work Protection Procedures.