Work sheet

  1. 2. Approximate population of Sweden in millions
  2. 3. Famous Swedish band
  3. 9. The name of the Sweden's celebration where they make flower wreaths
  4. 11. A condiment put on the traditional meal
  5. 14. A famous and traditional dish
  6. 18. Popular Swedish furniture company
  7. 20. The Swedish currency
  8. 21. The name of the pole that is in the centre of the traditional ring-dance
  1. 1. The name of the country that borders Sweden to the East
  2. 4. Popular Swedish clothing company
  3. 5. The name of the largest shopping centre in Europe that is located in Sweden
  4. 6. The Swedish word for 'Christmas'
  5. 7. Current Prime Minister
  6. 8. Where is Sweden located?
  7. 10. The month of Sweden's 'National Day'
  8. 12. Colour of the cross on the Swedish flag
  9. 13. A historical group whose origins are traced to Sweden
  10. 14. What is the capital city of Sweden
  11. 15. The background colour of the Swedish flag
  12. 16. Religion of the majority of Sweden's population
  13. 17. The name of the country that borders Sweden to the West
  14. 19. The Swedish word for 'Thank you'