Work Studies crossword

  1. 2. work performed by an employee outside the ordinary hours
  2. 3. receive a fixed annual amount (the base salary) regardless of the number of hours worked.
  3. 5. a person or business that employs one or more people, especially for wages or salary
  4. 9. Someone who creates, or owns and manages, a business
  5. 10. a document that's given to an employee each payday.
  6. 12. a person who is hired to work for payment
  7. 13. spending time with an employer in a real workplace.
  8. 16. a career that requires a specific amount of advanced training and education.
  9. 17. a formal meeting at which someone is asked questions in order to find out if they are suitable for a post of employment
  10. 19. the time that employees take off work during otherwise normal working hours which they are entitled to, by law, or by contract.
  11. 21. any work schedule that falls outside the hours of 7 am and 6 pm
  12. 22. work that you have to do for your job.
  13. 23. a person's regular work or profession
  1. 1. the compensation paid to an employee after completing a task
  2. 4. a kind of job training that involves following and studying a master of the trade on the job instead of in school.
  3. 6. an academic award conferred by a university or college on successful completion of a course
  4. 7. a short written description of your education, qualifications, previous jobs.
  5. 8. money put aside by your employer over your working life for you to live on when you retire from work
  6. 11. an individual who applies for a job position at a company by going through the hiring process
  7. 14. individuals are hired by organizations for a specified duration
  8. 15. an activity that people perform in order to earn money for a living
  9. 18. an organization that provides goods and services to the community in exchange for money
  10. 20. any occupation typically requiring specialized skills learned through advanced training