Work vocabulary

  1. 4. the start of something.
  2. 5. a person that whines, makes scenes whenever they don't get their way and usually thinks everything revolves around them.
  3. 6. recognize or admit.
  4. 9. to assert something without giving proof.
  5. 10. synonym for objective (noun).
  6. 11. skills type that can be used across multiple fields of work.
  7. 13. someone that can do certain things with great results.
  1. 1. adjective for someone that is always on time.
  2. 2. something abandoned and left without care.
  3. 3. an amount of money for certain purposes (scholarships, tuition, etc.)
  4. 4. a rough idea that has the main points of sth.
  5. 7. intellectual resources (skills, reasonings, etc.).
  6. 8. (verb)to work too much.
  7. 12. an adjective that usually pertains for people that are given everything without earning it.