Work Work Work

  1. 2. work with someone he is your?
  2. 4. You need it almost everyday
  3. 6. many hours do people work?
  4. 7. should you wear in a company
  5. 9. pants shouldn't you wear in a company
  6. 14. employee has their own?
  7. 15. a company needs ...
  1. 1. people start to work they sign a?
  2. 3. works with children he is a?
  3. 5. people work on one project they work in?
  4. 8. someone helps people there job is a?
  5. 10. you go to work you earn?
  6. 11. works in a bakery
  7. 12. work with a lot of people you work in a Firma
  8. 13. owner of the company is your?