
  1. 3. force exerted over a distance.
  2. 4. simple machines ______________ the amount of force needed to do work.
  3. 5. This Newton's law shows relationship between force,mass, and acceleration.
  4. 8. to speed up, slow down, or change direction
  5. 10. This Newton's law says for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
  6. 11. type of machine that spreads work out over a longer distance.
  7. 14. an object in _________ will stay in motion unless there is an unbalanced force.
  1. 1. a push or a pull
  2. 2. unit of work.
  3. 4. work = force x ______________.
  4. 6. the tendency to resist change
  5. 7. work is done when an object moves_________ to the force.
  6. 9. unit of force.
  7. 12. force = _____________ x acceleration
  8. 13. This Newton's law is the law of inertia