Working at McFarland Clinic

  1. 2. a prework energy stop
  2. 5. the cost of his house impresses you
  3. 7. a distinct M or a videogame
  4. 10. the easiest place to transfer patients to?
  5. 16. a golden parachute? (2 wrds)
  6. 18. it’s great to be one, apparently.
  7. 20. this (along with money) cannot buy happiness, according to Dr. Kolner
  8. 22. the company color
  9. 23. one administrator’s impressive military background
  10. 24. Doctor to provide family stitches off-hours
  11. 26. a notorious boss whose shadow still clouds
  12. 28. this a day keeps 200 doctors away
  13. 30. her husband could give you some tips on catching the big one
  14. 33. the swan song building project
  15. 34. executive who executed the most effective lameduck session
  16. 35. Dr Smiles
  17. 36. what it’s about when they say “it’s not about the money”
  18. 37. Mr. SprayTan
  19. 38. the hardest working pediatrician
  20. 40. not Bartlett the Barber
  21. 41. a retired iowa state superfan
  1. 1. a cheerleader at the front desk
  2. 3. survived a near fatal trip to Carroll
  3. 4. good luck pedaling past her
  4. 6. he might examine an administrating turkey’s eyes
  5. 7. a phallic guest-relations theme
  6. 8. the position in charge of “the formula”
  7. 9. the hardest working employee on the grounds
  8. 10. a park on what should have been the namesakes’ retirement acreage
  9. 11. another Domer dad
  10. 12. what the first “O” stands for in COO to the doctors?
  11. 13. what you need to keep the doctors from stripping out of the walls
  12. 14. lunchboxes apparently come in this pattern now
  13. 15. how much the doctors want you to pay them
  14. 17. the street of McF stardom
  15. 19. a workplace boyfriend?
  16. 21. not Dr. Holden
  17. 25. a heartfelt doctor who declared “it’s not worth me getting out of bed in the morning” unless the price was right.
  18. 27. a car or a founding father
  19. 29. he said “your job is to make me more money”
  20. 31. the committee to judge peer behavior
  21. 32. the money lady
  22. 34. is he a neurologist or an activist?
  23. 35. the organization tasked with replacing you.
  24. 36. an association of overheaders (Abbrv.)
  25. 39. administrating father of twins (2 wrds)