Workplace Readiness Test Vocabulary

  1. 3. put money in a bank
  2. 5. owner makes all the decisions
  3. 9. differences
  4. 12. self-starter
  5. 13. IRS form that shows how much income you received for the year
  6. 14. unique 9 digit number issued by the federal government required for all US workers
  7. 15. unequal treatment
  8. 17. groups of related occupations
  1. 1. between
  2. 2. chart that shows the order in which events occur
  3. 4. to put things in order of importance
  4. 6. psychological need for a substance
  5. 7. within
  6. 8. to put off deciding or doing something
  7. 10. take money out of a bank
  8. 11. communication with people you meet to share information
  9. 16. to check your records with the bank's records