World Cities

  1. 3. ___________ are one of the most visible and measurable global networks, demonstrating the flow of people (A)
  2. 6. A city which sucks up the population of surrounding towns due to a greater range of services
  3. 8. The process where barriers have been removed between countries and trade, migration and other flows are allowed to occur easily (G)
  4. 10. World cities are generally located in developed countries in the _____ hemisphere
  5. 12. The type of authority (power) a city has when it controls the flow of money with large stock exchanges and TNC HQs (E)
  6. 14. World cities are centres of _____ and finance which support the functioning of TNCs (B)
  7. 16. Japan’s capital - _________ - is at the forefront in technological innovations
  8. 18. Cities lower on the hierarchy have a stronger ______ on cities higher up who influence them
  1. 1. The _ _ _ is being rolled out in Australia to stay competitive with other countries/cities and attract TNCs with high speed internet (N)
  2. 2. A European world city known as an art and fashion capital
  3. 4. World cities need this to host TNC HQs and people which live or visit the city e.g. Apartments, offices, Hotels, internet, transport (I)
  4. 5. Cities which rank higher in the global hierarchy of cities and said to have a greater ________ over others – decisions trickle down
  5. 7. World cities make globally important ______ (D)
  6. 9. Tokyo has further demonstrated its cultural authority in 2021 by hosting the _______
  7. 11. World cities control the global ______ of people, ideas, goods, services and money (F)
  8. 13. This world city is said to have Europe’s busiest airport – Heathrow
  9. 15. Australia’s most dominant city is _______
  10. 16. World cities are command centres and control large _____ flows – imports and exports
  11. 17. York The city with the most dominance in the Americas sub region is _______