World geography vocabulary words

  1. 2. phased out trade barriers among the US,Canada,Mexico
  2. 7. owned by a private individual or company
  3. 9. water drawn from reservoirs or rivers to water farmland
  4. 10. a hole formed when limestone dissolves
  5. 11. joining two larger bodies of land
  6. 12. redistribution a policy by which land is taken
  7. 13. working where extra help is needed
  8. 14. large Spanish owned estate in the America’s
  9. 17. assembles goods for export
  10. 18. farming farming that provides only enough needs for family or village
  1. 1. island formed by skeletal remains of tiny sea animals and the sand sediment piling on top of them
  2. 3. group of islands
  3. 4. juts out into an ocean
  4. 5. member of an armed force, not part of a regular army
  5. 6. facing wind
  6. 7. away from wind
  7. 8. high flat land
  8. 15. farmland owned collectively by members of a rural community
  9. 16. crop farm crop grown for sale and profit