world happiness report

  1. 3. __ power (how much an average family can afford to buy)
  2. 5. __-free college
  3. 9. the willingness to give to others
  4. 11. happiness is a good __ of development
  5. 14. the opposite of objective
  6. 15. __ development (developing in a way that is good for the long-term future)
  7. 16. global __ (the list in order)
  8. 17. unemployment __
  9. 18. happiness is hard to __
  10. 19. significant __ factors (the factors that cause the things we can see)
  1. 1. dishonest or illegal behaviour especially by powerful people
  2. 2. social __ net
  3. 4. gross __ product
  4. 6. __ healthcare
  5. 7. personal or national __ is surprisingly not the main factor in happiness
  6. 8. public __ (the officially accepted set of rules or ideas about what should be done)
  7. 10. the life __ in Japan is quite long
  8. 12. World Gallop __
  9. 13. paid __ leave