- 2. Non-theistic religion
- 6. Islamic Empire that lasted from Middle Ages to 1923
- 8. Place Renaissance started
- 12. President who dropped atomic bomb
- 13. US Alliance after WW2 through today
- 16. This religion believes in reincarnation
- 21. Said people have rights "life, liberty, property"
- 23. Fascist leader of Italy WW2
- 24. Place Columbus was trying to travel to 1492
- 27. 1st European explorer to round Cape of Good Hope
- 28. French military officer who joined the American Revolution
- 30. City Franz Ferdinand was shot, started WW1
- 31. Painter of Mona Lisa
- 33. Father of Europe 800AD
- 1. War between Rome and Carthage 264BC
- 3. Italian merchant who lived with Mongolian leader, went missing
- 4. 1st industry in Industrial Rev in England
- 5. Idea that govt should stay completely out of businesses
- 7. Event in 1960s, USA tried to kill Cuban leader
- 9. Name of 1st satellite successfully launched into space
- 10. USA President who "ended" Cold War
- 11. Another name for D-Day "Operation ..."
- 14. Name of alliance of Germany in WW2
- 15. Ho Chi Minh was the leader in this country
- 17. Leader of USSR from 1924 to 1953
- 18. Nicknamed the "Virgin Queen" of England- never married
- 19. King of England who broke away from Catholic Church
- 20. This religion has 5 Pillars
- 22. Holy War between Christians and Muslims 1000s
- 23. Writer of the Communist Manifesto
- 25. Killed in 44BC by Senate
- 26. Chinese dynasty that build the Silk Road
- 29. Name of alliance of Germany in WW1
- 32. Conquistador who took over Aztec Empire