World History

  1. 2. Non-theistic religion
  2. 6. Islamic Empire that lasted from Middle Ages to 1923
  3. 8. Place Renaissance started
  4. 12. President who dropped atomic bomb
  5. 13. US Alliance after WW2 through today
  6. 16. This religion believes in reincarnation
  7. 21. Said people have rights "life, liberty, property"
  8. 23. Fascist leader of Italy WW2
  9. 24. Place Columbus was trying to travel to 1492
  10. 27. 1st European explorer to round Cape of Good Hope
  11. 28. French military officer who joined the American Revolution
  12. 30. City Franz Ferdinand was shot, started WW1
  13. 31. Painter of Mona Lisa
  14. 33. Father of Europe 800AD
  1. 1. War between Rome and Carthage 264BC
  2. 3. Italian merchant who lived with Mongolian leader, went missing
  3. 4. 1st industry in Industrial Rev in England
  4. 5. Idea that govt should stay completely out of businesses
  5. 7. Event in 1960s, USA tried to kill Cuban leader
  6. 9. Name of 1st satellite successfully launched into space
  7. 10. USA President who "ended" Cold War
  8. 11. Another name for D-Day "Operation ..."
  9. 14. Name of alliance of Germany in WW2
  10. 15. Ho Chi Minh was the leader in this country
  11. 17. Leader of USSR from 1924 to 1953
  12. 18. Nicknamed the "Virgin Queen" of England- never married
  13. 19. King of England who broke away from Catholic Church
  14. 20. This religion has 5 Pillars
  15. 22. Holy War between Christians and Muslims 1000s
  16. 23. Writer of the Communist Manifesto
  17. 25. Killed in 44BC by Senate
  18. 26. Chinese dynasty that build the Silk Road
  19. 29. Name of alliance of Germany in WW1
  20. 32. Conquistador who took over Aztec Empire