world history

  1. 4. in some societies payment a bride's family makes to the bridegroom and his family; payment a woman brings to a marriage
  2. 6. chieftain leader. Mongool forces conquered vast empire that stretched from the pacific ocean to eastern europe
  3. 8. breakup of large agricultural holdings for redistribution among peasants
  4. 9. grandson, toppled last song emperor in 1279. ruled all of china as well as korea and tibet.
  5. 11. independent state that has acknowledge the supremacy of another state and pay tribute to its ruler
  6. 12. dynasty ruled by the mongols from 1279 to 1368; best known ruler was kublai khan
  7. 15. chinese dynasty in which chinese rule was restored; help power from 1368 to 1644
  1. 1. chinese dynasty from 960 to 1279 known for its artistic achievements
  2. 2. chinese dynasty from 618 to 907
  3. 3. merchant and was one of many visitors to china during yuan dynasty. wrote a vivid account of wealth and splendor of china
  4. 5. overseas ventures and chinese a
  5. 7. wealthy landowning class
  6. 10. sparse, dry, treeless grassland
  7. 13. dude who compelled his dad to step down so he could step up.a brilliant general.
  8. 14. multistoried buddhist temple with eaves that curve up on the corners