World History Crossword Review

  1. 2. "Lightning War"
  2. 4. Political movement that emphasized loyalty to a country and its leader
  3. 6. An agreement to stop fighting
  4. 7. Government control over every aspect of public and private life
  5. 15. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire
  6. 16. Original leader of the Bolshevik Party
  7. 17. Information intended to advance a cause or damage an opponent
  8. 18. U.S program to help European countries after WWII
  9. 19. Defense military alliance between US and other European nations
  1. 1. British Prime Minister during World War II
  2. 3. "Night of Broken Glass"
  3. 5. Acronym for the causes of World War I
  4. 7. Made the decision to drop atomic bombs
  5. 8. Boundary between Communist and Democratic nations in Europe
  6. 9. Policy of trying to reduce tensions during the Cold War
  7. 10. Making concessions to avoid war
  8. 11. The Father of Communism
  9. 12. Policy where a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries
  10. 13. Where the Japanese bombed America
  11. 14. Ship with Americans aboard that led to US joining World War I