World History Mid Term

  1. 4. Doctrine that helped countries fight communism
  2. 5. Russian Concentration Camp
  3. 7. Neighbour of Afghanistan that helped defeat Russia and eventually Communism.
  4. 9. The man who co-wrote the Communist Manifesto with Marx (use only last surname)
  5. 11. Father of Capitalism
  6. 13. 1st political ideology that emerged after the Industrial Revolution
  7. 14. Belgian King who created The Congo Free State
  8. 15. This wall was constructed in 1961
  9. 17. Revolution that paved way to industry
  10. 18. Country that takes raw materials and gives manufactured goods
  11. 19. Cottonopolis
  1. 1. Russia lost to this small Asian country in 1905
  2. 2. Karl Marx was the founder of
  3. 3. Russia wanted access to this Sea by attacking Afghanistan
  4. 5. Openness in Russian
  5. 6. Famous battle fought on Sea against the Ottomans for Greek independence
  6. 8. Russian Emperor
  7. 10. Freedom fighters who fought against the Russians in Afghanistan
  8. 12. Book written by Karl Marx
  9. 16. Treaty of _____ Kainarji (what comes before Kainarji)