- 2. nickname for U.S soldiers in WW1. Possibly stems from the Mexican-American war where American soldiers would become dusty due to journeys through deserts.
- 9. Produced in the aftermath of WW2. Designed to protect those who are not taking part in armed conflicts.
- 11. U.S military base that was attacked by Japan, prompting the U.S to enter WW2
- 12. confining citizens for military reasons. This happened to many Americans of Japanese ancestry after the attack on Pearl Harbor.
- 13. Italian dictator during WW2
- 14. making concessions in order to avoid conflict with aggressive powers
- 15. Name given to the effort to develop the nuclear bomb
- 17. "Island-hopping" battle that has been memorialized by a famous photograph and statue
- 18. "Powder Keg" of Europe during WW1
- 1. Area stormed on D-Day
- 3. Nation lead by Stalin during WW2
- 4. Treaty that ended WW1
- 5. Encoded message sent to Mexico by Germany stating that if Mexico joined the WW1 war effort, then U.S teritory would be given to Mexico
- 6. U.S President during WW1
- 7. One of the two Japanese cities nuclear bombed by the U.S
- 8. Ailment caused by wet conditions in WW1 batttlefields
- 10. German persecution and murder of millions of Jews during WW2.
- 16. Technological war development used first in WW1