World History Review

  1. 2. nickname for U.S soldiers in WW1. Possibly stems from the Mexican-American war where American soldiers would become dusty due to journeys through deserts.
  2. 9. Produced in the aftermath of WW2. Designed to protect those who are not taking part in armed conflicts.
  3. 11. U.S military base that was attacked by Japan, prompting the U.S to enter WW2
  4. 12. confining citizens for military reasons. This happened to many Americans of Japanese ancestry after the attack on Pearl Harbor.
  5. 13. Italian dictator during WW2
  6. 14. making concessions in order to avoid conflict with aggressive powers
  7. 15. Name given to the effort to develop the nuclear bomb
  8. 17. "Island-hopping" battle that has been memorialized by a famous photograph and statue
  9. 18. "Powder Keg" of Europe during WW1
  1. 1. Area stormed on D-Day
  2. 3. Nation lead by Stalin during WW2
  3. 4. Treaty that ended WW1
  4. 5. Encoded message sent to Mexico by Germany stating that if Mexico joined the WW1 war effort, then U.S teritory would be given to Mexico
  5. 6. U.S President during WW1
  6. 7. One of the two Japanese cities nuclear bombed by the U.S
  7. 8. Ailment caused by wet conditions in WW1 batttlefields
  8. 10. German persecution and murder of millions of Jews during WW2.
  9. 16. Technological war development used first in WW1