world history

  1. 3. most of there knowledge came from the bible/Greek and roman culture
  2. 5. discoverer sunspots and four moons of Jupiter
  3. 12. interaction of volume, temperature, and gas pressure
  4. 15. technology that is used for science
  5. 18. who developed the theory of motion and the law of gravity (___ third's law)
  6. 19. believed that women should be equally educated along with men
  7. 20. author of frankenstien
  1. 1. believes that government power comes from the consent of the people
  2. 2. passionately committed to individual freedom
  3. 4. the creators of the scientific method
  4. 6. a series of step forming and testing scientific theories
  5. 7. belief in denial of evil
  6. 8. what cured small pox
  7. 9. belived that laws existed to preserve social order; not avenge crime
  8. 10. Galileo had what with the church
  9. 11. believed Britain was the best governed and most politically balanced country of his own day
  10. 13. planet revolves around the sun
  11. 14. believes that strong ruler should have total power
  12. 16. application of the scientific method to social problems
  13. 17. wrote more than 70 books of political essays