  1. 2. A bond between countries who share common goals and offer to support eachother.
  2. 5. WAR A war that divides the majority of countries into factions. 5/3
  3. 9. If someone is next inline to the thrown they are a _____.
  4. 10. The next in line to the thrown in Austria.5/9
  5. 14. Germany attacking Belgium was an _______ of WWI 9/5.
  6. 17. An offer from Germany offering Austria their full support with their ideals. 5/6
  7. 18. The name for the alliance between France, England, Russia, (japan and USA Later)
  8. 20. That race between world superpowers to have the most/biggist militia. 4/4
  1. 1. The name for the alliance alliance between Italy (at the start) Germany, Austria, Bulgaria. 7/6
  2. 3. Compulsory enlistment for state service, typically into the military.
  3. 4. An alliance between the allied powers of Britain, France and Russia.6/7
  4. 6. A type of war that is demestic and doesnt involve many countries. 5/3
  5. 7. A plan that Germany devised over many years avoiding Germany fighting a war on two fronts.10/4
  6. 8. The crisis in Morocco in 1906 and 1911 and the Balkan crisis was an ______ of WWI. 12/7
  7. 11. a policy governing international relations.7/6
  8. 12. The alliance between France England and Russia was a ________ of WWI. 4/4/5
  9. 13. A long term belief for increasing an empire for a prestige status.
  10. 15. The belief that a country should maintain a strong military capability.
  11. 16. A final demand or statement of terms. Rejection = War.
  12. 19. A formally concluded and ratified agreement between countries.