World No Tobacco Day 2023

  1. 2. Pregnant _____ are affected by tobacco farming with higher risk of miscarriage
  2. 5. Low/middle income countries ____ tobacco instead of importing it
  3. 7. Fertile ___ is used to grow tobacco instead of food
  4. 9. _____ can go to school instead of growing tobacco
  5. 11. Tobacco farming accounts for higher ____ emissions
  6. 12. Production of tobacco kills over ____ million people every year
  7. 15. ____ from tobacco production pollutes the environment
  8. 16. Instead of food, fertile land is used to grow ____
  1. 1. Growing tobacco results in trees being cut down and clearing land
  2. 3. This compound is absorbed into farmer's skin through handling tobacco leaves
  3. 4. Tobacco farming contributes to ____ change
  4. 6. Tobacco _____ exposed daily to tobacco dust and chemical pesticides.
  5. 8. Growing tobacco is a threat to food security and ____
  6. 10. Grow ___, Not Tobacco
  7. 13. High income countries _____ tobacco instead of growing
  8. 14. Tobacco farming exposes farmers to severe ____ risks