World Studies Chapter 4 Review

  1. 1. 'divine wind'
  2. 5. invention that fired up the Chinese
  3. 7. 1st dynasty in China
  4. 9. partial pre-VietNam kingdom
  5. 10. warriors with wisdom
  6. 11. ______ Kahn - leader of the united Mongols
  7. 12. ancient Japanese religion
  8. 14. Japanese 'great general'
  9. 15. Mongol herds
  10. 16. Great ______ - military style law
  11. 17. ______ warfare - arrow attacks lasting for weeks
  12. 18. first to invent movable-type printing
  1. 2. Khmer's temple
  2. 3. founder of the '5 human relationships'
  3. 4. Japanese system like the Medieval system
  4. 6. worship focused on past people
  5. 7. greatest dynasty in China
  6. 8. 'the way of the warrior'
  7. 11. invention for Chinese direction
  8. 13. Mongolian movable dwellings