World Travel

  1. 3. - The most visited country in the world with 89 million annual tourists
  2. 5. - This Asian island nation experiences 20% of the world’s 6.0-magnitude or higher earthquakes annually
  3. 10. - Country with the longest coastline
  4. 12. - Location of the Great Pyramids
  5. 13. - this country's sheep population is larger than its people
  6. 16. - The world’s largest island nation
  7. 17. - This country has more than 100 isolated tribes
  8. 18. - This country is famous for its tom yum and tom kha
  9. 19. - The "lost city of the incas"
  10. 20. - Most dangerous place for women to travel
  11. 21. - Top supplier of nurses
  1. 1. - Cheapest place to travel in Asia
  2. 2. - Everyone who lives in this European country, even foreigners, can attend college tuition-free
  3. 4. - Smallest country in the world
  4. 6. - Zanzibar is an island off the coast of this country
  5. 7. - Birth place of Bob Marley and Usain Bolt
  6. 8. - The biggest source of revenue in this Caribbean island nation is not tobacco, sugar, rum or tourism — it’s doctors.
  7. 9. - What Iran used to be called
  8. 11. - Here the twin birth rate is higher than anywhere else in the world
  9. 14. - Both men and women in this East Asian nation can only choose between 15 state-approved haircuts
  10. 15. - To avoid excessive wear and tear to its historic monuments, this European country banned high heels at archaeological sites