World War 1

  1. 4. agreement by Germany to not sink any more ocean liners without prior warning or providing assistance to passengers
  2. 5. Supreme Court case that curtailed free speech under the First Amendment during wartime
  3. 9. agreement that ended World War I
  4. 11. U.S. military force that broke the stalemate against the Germans in Europe
  5. 12. U.S. president during World War I
  6. 14. political belief that the U.S. should separate itself from foreign affairs
  7. 15. U.S. foreign policy at the beginning of World War I
  8. 19. Austria-Hungary royal figure that was assassinated by Serbian nationalists in 1914
  9. 20. criminalized criticism to the war effort
  10. 21. proposed coalition of countries that would defend each other against aggressors in which the U.S. refused to join
  1. 1. German submarines
  2. 2. conditions of a peace treaty proposed by the U.S. president that would end World War I
  3. 3. plea to Mexico to join the Germans in World War I in exchange for former territories
  4. 6. U.S. Senator who led the fight against joining the League of Nations
  5. 7. legislation that required millions of men to register for the draft
  6. 8. sunk by the Germans killing more than 1,000 people, it spurred the U.S. to join the Allies in World War I
  7. 10. money owed to the Allies from Germany for damages caused in World War I
  8. 13. major conflict that began with the assassination of Ferdinand and ended with the Treaty of Versailles
  9. 16. Army sergeant who nearly avoided the draft as a conscientious objector, he won the Congressional Medal of Honor for valor.
  10. 17. meeting of European and U.S. leaders in which the terms of German surrender were negotiated
  11. 18. a new military tactic in World War I, opposing soldiers were “dug in” very close to one another facing constant gun fire