World War 1

  1. 5. One of the causes of WWI. Union or association of two countries or more in order to become stronger.
  2. 7. One of the countries formed after the end of WWI
  3. 8. Controlled distribution of resources, like food and fuel.
  4. 10. President of the U.S.A. during WWI
  5. 14. Piece of land between the two fighting positions.
  6. 15. British passenger ship sunk by the Germans
  7. 17. Weapon carried by German submarines
  8. 19. Country that changed sides during the war.
  9. 20. Formal agreement to stop the fighting, signed in November 1918.
  10. 21. Compulsory military training
  11. 23. One of the causes of WWI. A system or philosophy that emphasizes the importance of military power.
  12. 24. Country that joined the Allies in 1917
  13. 26. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire
  1. 1. International diplomatic group developed after World War I to solve disputes between countries
  2. 2. Members of society who had to occupy men's position as a workforce.
  3. 3. Terrorist organization responsible for the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.
  4. 4. Long narrow excavations in the earth where soldiers took shelter, slept, ate and fought.
  5. 6. Peace treaty that brought WWI to an end, signed in 1919.
  6. 9. Ruler of Russia in 1914
  7. 11. Ruler of Germany in 1914
  8. 12. Country that left the war in 1917 because of internal political problems.
  9. 13. Assassination of Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of the Austrio-Hungarian Empire.
  10. 16. German submarine
  11. 18. Mass destruction weapon, first used in WWI
  12. 22. One of the countries member of the Triple Entente.
  13. 25. Country found responsible for the war and all its damages, once the war was over.