World War 1

  1. 4. name of the horse from the movie warhorse.
  2. 5. British ocean liner sunk by U-20. 128 Americans were killed.
  3. 8. another new weapon of WW1. Used to get troops across "no man's land"
  4. 9. one of the nicknames for WW1. The ______ War
  5. 14. the number of airplanes that the Red Baron shot down
  6. 15. this board was placed in the bottom of most trenches to keep soldier's feet dry. "quack quack"
  7. 19. president of the United States during WW1
  8. 21. these soldiers were very good shots. They often waited to shoot enemy soldiers who peeked over the top of their trenches
  9. 23. the name of the Russian tsar during WW1
  10. 24. equipment soldiers wore on their face to protect themselves from poison gas
  11. 25. this was a long knife that soldiers attached to the end of their rifles
  12. 26. this animal was used by all countries in WW1. Millions were killed. They were used to pull guns, carry supplies, carry messengers, etc.
  13. 28. this was a type of poison gas that was a yellowish in color, used in WW1
  14. 30. the name of the German Kaiser during World War One
  15. 32. Allied Power. most fighting on the western front was in this country.
  16. 33. a step in the trenches that soldiers would use to shoot at the enemy
  17. 34. an underwater missile, usually fired by submarines, to sink enemy ships
  18. 35. ditch dug by WW1 soldiers to protect them from machine gun fire
  1. 1. Central Power during WW1 ruled by Kaiser Wilhelm II
  2. 2. deadly new weapon of WW1. fired hundreds of bullets in seconds
  3. 3. the land between the trenches. Usually very muddy, full of barbed wire, and dangerous.
  4. 6. shorter name for "unterseeboot" (German submarine)
  5. 7. giant cannons that fired huge shells across the battlefield
  6. 10. Austria-__________. Central Power during WW1
  7. 11. war fought between Central Powers and Allied Powers from 1914 to 1918
  8. 12. this Allied power joined the war late, in 1917
  9. 13. Manfred von Richthofen's nickname
  10. 16. this German submarine sank the Lusitania
  11. 17. Great _________. Allied Power during WW1
  12. 18. city of the Eiffel Tower
  13. 20. similar to PTSD. When soldiers suffered strange and unusual symptoms without a known cause. shows how horrible war is.
  14. 22. the last name of the United States number one fighter pilot ace
  15. 27. another nickname for WW1. The War to ______ All Wars
  16. 29. horrible condition of the feet where toes can rot and fall off. Caused by wet feet.
  17. 31. the name of the movie we watched about WW1