World War 1

  1. 5. - The country Austria-Hungary first declared war with on July 28, 1914
  2. 6. - Britain, France, Russia, and the USA were all apart of the ____
  3. 7. - Germany's plan to avoid fighting a war on two fronts
  4. 8. - This country is seen as the Western Front
  5. 10. - Launched burning fuel
  6. 11. - Declared the U.S. be involved in the War
  7. 16. - Type of gun that was greatly improved during World War 1, used in both trenches and airplanes
  8. 19. - _______ _______ ll was leader of Germany during WW1
  9. 20. 1 - First total war of the 20th Century
  10. 22. - Place where tanks were first introduced during World War 1
  11. 24. - The sinking of this ship in 1915 made Americans angry
  12. 27. - Wooldrow Wilson of the U.S, Georges Clemenceau of France, Britains, Lloyd George of Great Britain, and Vittorio Oralndo of Italy, were all known as The ___ 4.
  13. 32. - Pride of one's nation
  14. 34. - Country where U-boats originated from. Also the country who first used chemical warfare
  15. 35. - Weapons and __________ changed the way war was fought
  16. 36. - France and ______ both wanted national security
  17. 38. - In 1918 ________ and the Ottoman Empire were the first to surrender in WW1
  18. 39. - The ability when the nations of the world all have equal power
  19. 40. - The Treaty of _______ was an agreement between Big 4 and Germany to outline peace between each other
  20. 41. - Location in Europe where trenches stretched from 400-500 miles
  1. 1. - A type of aircraft which was originally used for bombing
  2. 2. - _______ easily spread in trenches
  3. 3. - A note sent from a German foreign secretary sent to Mexico
  4. 4. - Deep ditches where war was fought
  5. 6. - Treaties to defend one another in the event of a war - “balance of power”
  6. 9. - The League of _______ formed as one of the results of the Treaty of Versailles
  7. 12. - This country was the Eastern Front
  8. 13. - The other name of the Triple Alliance is also known as the ______ powers
  9. 14. - A ___ mask was used as protection due to poison gas
  10. 15. - The other name of the Triple Entente is also known as the ______ powers
  11. 17. - World War 1 is also known as “The _____ War”
  12. 18. - U.S President during World War 1
  13. 21. - An international war where all of a country's resources are used to destroy another country
  14. 23. - Temporary peace agreement to end fighting
  15. 25. - Increased tension over territories and boundaries
  16. 26. - Which continent was not involved in the war at all
  17. 28. - This was the form of persuading or advertising people. Also used to promote things.
  18. 29. - These were designed to combat trench warfare
  19. 30. - This phrase is another word for Trench Warfare
  20. 31. - Where massive armies build up during the late 1800s and early 1900s in Europe
  21. 33. - All U-boats are ____________
  22. 37. - Chlorine gas, phosgene gas, and mustard gas are some of the types of ______ gases used in World War 1