  1. 2. The Arch duke of Austria Hungary was assasinated by Gavrilo Princip
  2. 7. the process by which a country determines its own statehood and forms its own allegiances and government.
  3. 9. identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.
  4. 10. wilsons plan for world peace
  5. 11. war damages
  6. 14. an international organization that would settle and discuss disagreements without war
  7. 15. was a british ship carrying over 100 Americans that was sunk by German U-Boats and in which most people died
  8. 17. germany, austria-hungary, italy
  9. 18. one of the largest during ww1
  10. 19. a system of fighting where armies fought for yards of ground
  11. 20. american troops
  1. 1. was president and hated the war
  2. 3. Russian founder of the Bolsheviks and leader of the Russian Revolution and first head of the USSR (1870-1924). He founded the communist group that overthrew the monarchy in Russia.
  3. 4. created nine new nations and gave some of these nations to the Allies to govern some places until they could govern themselves, kept Germany from creating an army, and made Germany return land to france and pay war damages of $33 billion
  4. 5. france, britain,russia
  5. 6. not taking a side
  6. 8. the policy in which stronger nations extend their economic, political, or military control over weaker territories
  7. 12. the stalemate was when there was no movement / gain of land during trench warfare
  8. 13. The first lord of the British admiralty
  9. 16. biased communication designed to influence people's thoughts and actions