World War 1

  1. 1. distortion of the truth to persuade people to support an action or point of view
  2. 6. person who holds a religious or other conscientious belief that is immoral to take part in war
  3. 7. restriction or control of what people can say, hear, see or read
  4. 8. abbreviation for Australian and New Zealand Troops
  5. 10. ballot in which voters decide on a political question.
  6. 12. compulsory enrollment of persons especially for military service.
  1. 2. an agreement by both sides to stop fighting while a peace treaty is negotiated.
  2. 3. German submarines
  3. 4. unoccupied ground between the opposing armies
  4. 5. abbreviation for Australian Imperial Force
  5. 9. a stalemate in which neither side can gain an advantage
  6. 11. to join voluntarily, usually the military