World War 1

  1. 2. This "note" was found, sent by Germany asking Mexico to attack U.S.
  2. 4. A new weapon that forces soldiers to wear gas masks.
  3. 6. When large/powerful countries take over smaller/weaker ones.
  4. 9. Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Ottoman Empire.
  5. 10. The sinking of this ship angered many Americans as it killed over one hundred Americans.
  6. 11. A bond between nations over mutual interests/ protection.
  7. 12. Selective Service Act created this to get soldiers.
  8. 14. A group of people that overthrew Russia's government during the war.
  9. 16. The Treaty of ___ ended World War 1.
  1. 1. A truce that ends fighting until a peace treaty is negotiated.
  2. 3. The League of __ was create after the war to promote peace.
  3. 5. This nation invaded France early in the war.
  4. 7. City that the "hellfighters" were from.
  5. 8. Archduke of Austria-Hungary assassinated in 1914.
  6. 13. President of the United States during the war.
  7. 15. Most of the battles were fought in these to keep soldiers safe.