World War 1

  1. 6. of Nations- Internationally created to promote international peace
  2. 8. Churchill- Was one of the biggest leaders during this time period
  3. 9. America used to make people go to war
  4. 12. tax- When America first started taxing
  5. 13. ship the Germans sunk that pulled America into the war
  6. 15. Submarines Germany used in the war
  1. 1. of Versailles- This document was used to solve the First World War.
  2. 2. What Americans were called in Europe
  3. 3. When there's an agreement on both sides to stop fighting
  4. 4. Warfare- Soldiers used to use this to fight undercover.
  5. 5. Telegram- What the Germans used to send each other messages
  6. 7. Wilson- Was President during this time period
  7. 10. Was the name of the countries against Germany
  8. 11. Gardens- Gardens citizens plant to ship over to the troops
  9. 14. Great War- Was the nickname of the first World War