World War 1

  1. 5. Germany’s plan to quickly invade France and defeat them so they could focus on Russia.
  2. 8. The process of countries building empires by gaining control of weaker nations (Cause of WWI)
  3. 13. First head of the Soviet Union, He became the first communist leader in Russia and carried out a successful national revolution.
  4. 14. An agreement between 2 or more nations usually by treaty, to defend each other if one of the countries is attacked (Cause of WWI)
  5. 15. An intense loyalty to a country that goes beyond just patriotism (Cause of WWI)
  6. 18. Birth to the league of nations, Germany's punishment and had to take blame for starting WWI. Lost military, land and more as punishment
  7. 19. Used to see beyond enemy trenches, used the high ground to help discovered what enemies were doing and demolish their plans.
  8. 20. Countries would use this during the war to recruit soldiers, finance war, etc., it was commonly biased and was used to publizes a countries political view
  9. 21. war based on wearing the other side down by constant attacks and heavy losses
  10. 22. Great Britain, Serbia, Russia, Portugal, Greece, Albania
  1. 1. Used to destroy ships that were supplying the allies in water. Germany had the biggest advantage and often used this weapon alot.
  2. 2. A belief in increasing a nations military force as a way to increase the nation's power and prestige (Cause of WWI)
  3. 3. A type of combat where deep holes were dug into the ground as a defensive strategy
  4. 4. Remembered as the last Tsar of Russia, Known as the last Russian emperor. Took control of the army and started a rebellion of take back the throne
  5. 6. Played a key role for America in WWI, the most destructive weapon on the western front, the key to successful operations
  6. 7. A belief that nothing should be privately owned and that everything should be commonly owned
  7. 9. Shot and killed the Archduke and set world war I into motion
  8. 10. A bonian nationalist group responsible for the assasination of the archduke Frang Ferdinand
  9. 11. Introduced by the Germans and was used by both sides during the war; caused vomiting, blindness, and suffocation
  10. 12. A group of people that believed that the royal family should be over thrown and communism introduced
  11. 16. These new mechanized weapons used during WWI increased loss of life from previous wars.
  12. 17. Germany, Luxembourg, Austria-hungary, montenegro, bulgaria, ottoman empire
  13. 18. Heavy armored vehicle which could travel over barbed wire and across enemy trenches developed in WWI to help fight in the war
  14. 19. Heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, he was an aware threat to siberian independence. His death led to the beginning of world war I, "___ Franz Ferdinand"