World War 1

  1. 1. Treaty that formally ended ww1
  2. 3. a coded message sent to Mexico
  3. 5. the year America entered WW1
  4. 6. British passenger liner, sank by U-Boat
  5. 7. statement by the Germans to not sink ships
  6. 8. The land between two enemy trench lines were called
  7. 10. The “spark” that started WWI
  8. 13. carried rats, disease & caused trench foot
  9. 14. the controlling of news/information
  1. 2. act that authorized a draft
  2. 4. alliance between Germany,Italy,Austria-Hungary
  3. 5. Woodrow Wilsons plan for peace
  4. 9. international organization to settle disputes
  5. 11. Illegal to interfere with the draft
  6. 12. alliance between Britain, France, Russia
  7. 15. another name for PTSD in WW1