World War 1

  1. 1. Limiting the amount of goods- esp. Food- that citizens can buy during wartime
  2. 3. (_____ Hand) the Serbian terrorist group who assassinated Franz Ferdinand to fight for all Serbians' freedom
  3. 5. (_____ War 1) WWI, also called the “Great War” was one of the deadliest global conflicts in history. It was fought between the Allies and the Central Powers. Fighting occurred throughout Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Pacific, and parts of Asia.
  4. 6. to prepare and organize troops for war
  5. 8. strong love or pride for your country- willing to fight for your country
  6. 9. (____ Warfare) Fighting with trenches, mines, and barbed wire. Horrible Living conditions, great slaughter, no gains, stalemate, used in WW1.
  7. 11. (Treaty at _____) Treaty that ended WW I. It blamed Germany for WW I and handed down harsh punishment.
  8. 12. (_____ Power) Austria-Hungary, Germany, Ottoman Empire.
  9. 13. (Kaiser _____ II) Leader of Germany during WW1
  10. 14. The British passenger ship carrying 128 americans and weapons that was sunk by a German submarine- one reason for USA entering WW1
  11. 16. (______ Telegram) Secret German proposal to Mexico to form an alliance against USA- another reason for USA entering WW1
  12. 18. Nickname given to American soldiers because of their uniform buttons or their healthy, freash appearance compared to skinny soldiers who had fought for years
  13. 19. (Franz) The Archduke of Austria who was assassinated by Serbian terrorists- the Spark.
  14. 20. (____ Plan) German Plan to defeat both France and Russia at the same time.
  15. 21. The Building up of troops and weapons in preparation for war.
  1. 2. promise to defend other countries- sides or teams of countries who face off in war
  2. 4. Agreement between enemies in a war to stop fighting- a truce
  3. 5. (Woodrow ______) American President during WWI
  4. 7. Situation where neither side can win or get an advantage- a draw
  5. 10. info or pictures that try to influence people's opinions and behaviors- not necessarily true
  6. 15. (Allied Powers - Triple ______) Great Britain, France, Russia
  7. 17. Not getting involved in other countries affairs/wars. USA tried this at the beginning of WW1