World War 1

  1. 5. Ended the war between Russia and the Central Powers: Treaty Of
  2. 7. The German Plan of totally destroying French Forces by outflanking them was called
  3. 10. Used to drop bombs on the enemy as well as find out the enemy's position
  4. 11. Top French commander during WW1: ______ Joffre
  5. 14. Austria's foreign minister who was known to be a war hawk: _______ Berchtold
  6. 15. An explosive that shot directly with a flatter trajectory
  7. 16. Name given to Great Britain's navy: The _____ _____
  8. 18. Last open battle of WW1
  9. 21. Has an alliance with Serbia because of shared Slavic ethnic heritage
  10. 25. Needless killing and the waste of life for minimal benefit
  11. 26. Declared war on Germany, joining the Allied Forces
  12. 27. President of France during WW1: _______ Poincare
  13. 30. When war becomes a "number game
  14. 31. Leader of Italy during WW1: _______ Orlando
  15. 36. What type of warfare involved digging, barbed wire, and "no man's land"
  16. 38. The German chancellor during WW1, favored war: Otto _______
  17. 39. Political leader of France during WW1, but not its president: Georges __________
  18. 40. Battle that saw the first use of chemical weapons
  19. 41. Declared war on France when France mobilized its army
  20. 42. Called for the right of self-determination by countries and also for the formation of the League of Nations: ______'s 14 Points
  21. 43. Why were there intermittent truces or cease-fires between opposing trench systems
  1. 1. The last "open" battle of the Western Front
  2. 2. The only major naval engagement of World War I: Battle of ______
  3. 3. Declares war on Serbia with Germany's support
  4. 4. Commander of the American troops in Europe during WW1: John ________
  5. 6. The sinking of Lusitania was one of the many reasons this country entered the war
  6. 8. The Triple Alliance was formed by Germany, Austria-Hungary, and
  7. 9. Explosives that could be lobbed into a trench system
  8. 12. How many treaties did Turkey sign in WW1
  9. 13. Type of warfare that resulted in the use of masks
  10. 17. The sinking of what ship that brought the United States closer to entering WWI
  11. 18. The worst gas used in WW1
  12. 19. Who assassinated the Archduke Francis Ferdinand: _______ Princip
  13. 20. American president during WW1: Woodrow ______
  14. 22. Which battle witnessed the first use of the modern tank
  15. 23. Powers who fought against the Central Powers
  16. 24. How many days could men spend in the trench system before being relieved
  17. 25. Had a history of mistrust and conflict with Germany
  18. 28. The top commander during WW1 who was inspirational at the Battle of Tannerberg: Paul Von __________
  19. 29. Attempt by Germany to bring Mexico into the war: __________ Telegram
  20. 32. The German fleet of ships were known as: ____ ____ Fleet
  21. 33. The king of Germany during WW1: _______ II
  22. 34. Truce in 1914 between German and French troops
  23. 35. The leader of Great Britain during WW1: Lloyd ______
  24. 37. This man's death set off a chain reaction which ultimately led to the outbreak of World War I: Francis _________
  25. 43. British general of British Troops in France during WW1: Sir Douglas ____