World War 1

  1. 3. - The battle of ____ witnessed the first use of the modern tank.
  2. 7. - Where the peace treaty was held.
  3. 9. - To assemble and make forces ready for war.
  4. 10. Gas - A choking chemical weapon first used by Germany in 1915.
  5. 11. - The policy of maintaining strong military capabilities and being prepared for war.
  6. 14. - Member of the triple alliance.
  7. 15. - Abbreviation for the German Unterseeboot, referring to the submarine vessels deployed by the German navy. U-Boats waged a campaign of unrestricted submarine warfare, sinking many Allied merchant and military ships.
  8. 19. - A military tactic to bypass the enemy's flank or side to gain an advantageous position.
  9. 24. - A painful medical condition caused by extended exposure to damp, cold and unsanitary conditions, as experienced by soldiers fighting in the trenches on the Western Front. Trench foot results in skin rot, fungal infections, etc.
  10. 27. - A major 1914 battle where Germany defeated Russia in East Prussia.
  11. 30. - A type of rigid airship used for bombing and reconnaissance by Germany.
  12. 32. - A weapon that projects ignited flammable liquid.
  13. 33. - A temporary cessation of hostilities by agreement between the opposing sides.
  14. 34. - Disguising personnel or equipment to conceal them from enemy observation.
  15. 36. - The sinking of what ship by Germany brought the U.S. closer to entering WWI.
  16. 38. - Where the soldiers took cover during war.
  17. 39. - Soldiers trained to fight on foot with small firearms.
  18. 40. - Member of the triple alliance.
  19. 41. - The alliance of Britain, France and Russia before and during World War 1.
  20. 44. - Large caliber guns and cannons used for long-range firing.
  21. 45. - A military person lost through death, wounds, injury, sickness or capture.
  22. 46. - Last name of the leader of Great Britain during World War 1.
  1. 1. - Type of warfare resulted in the use of masks by foot soldiers.
  2. 2. Powers - The alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria in World War 1.
  3. 4. Plan - The German plan of totally destroying French Forces.
  4. 5. - The nickname for American soldiers serving on the Western Front in World War 1.
  5. 6. - Truce of 1914.
  6. 8. - The coalition of countries including Britain, France, Russia, Italy, and later the United States that fought against the Central Powers.
  7. 12. - A type of heavily-armed and armored battleship introduced in the early 20th century.
  8. 13. - The policy of extending a nation's power by acquiring new territories.
  9. 16. - An overwhelming and concentrated artillery bombardment over a particular area.
  10. 17. - A shelter excavated in the side of a trench to provide cover.
  11. 18. - The practice of spying or using spies to obtain political, military or other secret information.
  12. 20. Line - A defensive position on the Western Front built by Germany in 1917.
  13. 21. - A 1916 battle in northern France, one of the largest and bloodiest of World War 1.
  14. 22. - Last name of the president of France during World war 1.
  15. 23. - A powerful landowning class in Prussia that dominated agriculture and the military.
  16. 25. - A person forced into compulsory military service through conscription or drafting.
  17. 26. - Last name of Austria's foreign minister.
  18. 28. Land - The area of unoccupied ground between opposing forces' trenches.
  19. 29. - Military observation of a region to gain information about enemy territory.
  20. 31. - A city in France where one of the longest and most devastating battles of WWI was fought in 1916.
  21. 35. - The name for the powers who fought against the Central powers.
  22. 37. - A situation when neither opponent can gain an advantage or progress against the other.
  23. 42. - A sense of unity and allegiance to one's nation, which fueled tensions before WWI.
  24. 43. - Fragments from an exploded artillery shell.