World War 1 Cross Word Puzzle

  1. 4. was laid out between the trenches to slow down advancing enemy forces
  2. 5. A military alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire.
  3. 11. Payments for war damage
  4. 15. Agreements or promises to defend and help another country
  5. 16. Trying to build up an empire, by taking control of weaker nations
  6. 19. of Brest-Litovsk Treaty between Germany and Russia that allowed Germany to concentrate all of their troops on the Western front
  7. 22. In WWI, the region of northern France where the forces of the Allies and the Central Powers battled each other
  8. 25. War All people and resources to the war effort and imposing censorship of the press
  9. 27. PrincipSerbian nationalist who assassinates the archduke and archduchess of Austria on June 28th, 1914.
  10. 28. Which country's isolationist policy prevented it from becoming a member of the League of Nations?
  11. 30. of Nations International Assembly of nations goal to keep peace among nations
  12. 31. The Treaty of Versailles forced _______ to accept total responsibility for the start of the World War I, pay huge reparations, and give over vast amounts of territory.
  13. 32. Representatives from Britain, the U.S., France, and Italy who wrote the Treaty or Versailles
  14. 37. British passenger boat sunk by a German submarine that claimed 1,000 lives. One of main reasons US decided to join the war.
  15. 40. Process by which a country determines its own statehood and forms its own allegiances and government
  16. 41. What was big Bertha?
  17. 42. Group of merchants ships surrounded by military ships for protection
  18. 43. of Versailles Treaty ending World War I
  1. 1. A military alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy in the years preceding World War I
  2. 2. Ideas spread to influence public opinion
  3. 3. Having pride in your country, willing to defend it
  4. 6. What was another name for WWI?
  5. 7. Agreement to stop fighting
  6. 8. A military alliance between Great Britain, France, and Russia in the years preceding World War I.
  7. 9. What sparked World War 1?
  8. 10. What was Wilson's plan for peace called?
  9. 12. Who was the president of Britain?
  10. 13. Who was the president of the U.S.?
  11. 14. A coded message sent by Germany to try to get Mexico to attack the US
  12. 17. Building up armed forces, getting ready for war
  13. 18. What was the U.S. position?
  14. 20. Plan Germany's plan for fighting France and Russia
  15. 21. Points Peace plan by President Wilson that called for the League of Nations
  16. 23. Revolution Revolution in Russia which allowed for them to make peace with Germany
  17. 24. As part of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was ordered to pay the Allies fines to repay the war's costs. Opposed by the U.S., it quickly lead to a severe depression in Germany.
  18. 26. Deadlock in which neither side can defeat the other
  19. 29. who assassinated the archduke and archduchess of Austria on June 28th, 1914.
  20. 33. War of attrition war where one's enemy is worn down to the point of collapse by continuous losses in people, food, and war weapons
  21. 34. telegram Message from Germany to the German ambassador to Mexico proposing a Mexican-German alliance
  22. 35. What was one of the background causes that led to ww1?
  23. 36. In WWI, the region along the German-Russian Border where Russians and Serbs battled Germans, Austrians, and Turks.
  24. 38. The alliance system in Europe was a major cause of World War 1.
  25. 39. Germany invaded France through this country, which effectively brought Great Britain into the war.