World War 1 Crossword

  1. 2. Central Powers Three countries would support each other if they were attacked.
  2. 4. A terrorist society that would viloently try to fulfill their goals.
  3. 5. A fight that each side tried to wear down the other using making the other side lose its will to fight. (Equipment, supplies, soldiers)
  4. 6. Germany would help Austria-Hungary whenever they need to be supported.
  5. 9. Feeling of patriotism and pride for their country or ethnic group.
  6. 11. Russia tried to advocate a union with all Slavic people of the Balkans because they wanted to have a warm-water port.
  7. 13. A British policy about the navy stated that the military must be stronger than ay other two navies.
  8. 16. Threat that you must either comply with them or face disastrous consequences.
  9. 19. Going out of the trenches to attack. (something soldiers were told during World War 1.
  10. 20. is an area that didn't belong to either side. It was usually deserted as soldiers would then be unprotected if they were on those grounds.
  1. 1. Involves governments, economies, and populations in a war that is taken to a different level compared to most other wars in history.
  2. 3. Germany wanted to attach France through Belgium. This was created to avoid a two-front war.
  3. 7. Imperialism resulted from this because of the raw goods needed to supply factories and create new markets.
  4. 8. This was designed to try and keep troops protected from machine guns and air attacks. This prolonged the war.
  5. 10. What the Schlieffen Plan was created to avoid. (WW1)
  6. 12. Is also known as the Allied Powers. Three countries have a somewhat alliance.
  7. 14. Two or more countries try to have a better military than the other/s.
  8. 15. Extending power and authority of one country to other countries.Making an empire by creating colonies or an area of authority)
  9. 17. The military is allowed to do anything they would like regardless of government policies. The government creates and maintains a group the fight against their enemies.
  10. 18. are formed because of mutual benefit and are between several countries or organizations.