World War 1 Crossword

  1. 3. Archduke Franz _______ of Austria Hungary; assassinated by a Serbian in 1914. His murder was one of the causes of WW I.
  2. 5. Vladimir _______Russian founder of the Bolsheviks and leader of the Russian Revolution and first head of the USSR (1870-1924).
  3. 7. The secret police under Lenin and his Communist Party
  4. 8. _______Note: Message proposing an alliance between Germany and Mexico; Mexico attacks US, then Germany would later help
  5. 9. Russian peasant monk who was able to influence Russian politics by gaining the confidence of the Czarina
  6. 12. Gavrilo _____The assassin of Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria, a member of the Black Hand
  7. 13. agreements between nations to aid and protect one another
  8. 16. founder of modern communism, wrote the Communist Manifesto
  9. 17. pride in one's country
  10. 19. A conflict in which the participating countries devote all their resources to the war effort
  11. 20. Ideas spread to influence public opinion for or against a cause.
  12. 21. an international organization formed in 1920 to promote cooperation and peace among nations
  13. 22. A party of revolutionary Marxists, led by Vladimir Lenin, who seized power in Russia in 1917.
  14. 25. The practice of conducting negotiations between countries; try to keep peace
  15. 26. Last tsar of Russia, he went to the frontlines in WWI to try to rally the troops, but was forced to abdicate after his wife made horrible decisions under the influence of Rasputin.
  16. 27. An agreement to stop fighting
  17. 29. President of the US during WWI; created the 14 Points
  18. 30. _____Warfare a type of combat in which opposing troops fight from trenches facing each other.
  19. 31. A military draft; forced to join military
  1. 1. _______ Powers: Great Britain, France, Italy, Russia, and later the US
  2. 2. British passenger ship holding Americans that was sunk by Germany; helped lead to America entering war
  3. 4. A policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, socially, and economically.
  4. 6. Area between trenches during war
  5. 10. Medical condition caused by prolonged exposure to the distressing experiences of trench warfare.
  6. 11. Payment for war damages
  7. 14. ________Powers: Austria-Hungary, Germany, Ottoman Empire
  8. 15. a political theory advocating state ownership of industry
  9. 18. the process of assembling troops and supplies and making them ready for war
  10. 23. The Treaty of _____; the treaty imposed on Germany by the Allied powers in 1920 after the end of World War I which demanded reparations from the Germans and punished Germany
  11. 24. Building up armed forces to prepare for war
  12. 28. those who believe socialism can be achieved only through revolution and totalitarian dictatorship; Bolsheviks were an example